May 25, 2018 – Matthew 13:45-46

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like to a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

– Matthew 13:45-46

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

Precious pearl is so rare and not easy to find. A merchant will spend much time searching around to get it. Once he finds it, he’ll sell all that he has and buy it. To us Christians, the blessings from the kingdom of heaven are just like the precious pearl, and it’s not easy to get them. First, we should possess a heart that have a hunger and a thirst for righteousness, and actively seek out, then we will have a chance to gain the blessings from the kingdom of heaven. But instead, it’s hard for those who has been nonchalant in truth to find it. Hence, from this we can understand God’s demands of us: to be those who yearn for the truth. Meanwhile, if we want to enter the kingdom of heaven, we need to pay a high price, because the blessings from the kingdom of heaven are worthy of our giving up everything to get them.

After knowing the Lord’s will, we must yearn for the truth. Then how should we seek to gain the blessings? The two articles: The Path to Entering Into the Kingdom of Heaven, I Found the Way to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven, show us the way of practice.

Share a passage of God’s words: “Today’s truth is given to those who yearn for and seek it. This salvation is granted to those who yearn to be saved by God, and is not only meant to be gained by you, but is also so that you can be gained by God. You gain God in order that God can gain you.