May18, 2018 – Matthew 13:22

He also that received seed among the thorns is he that hears the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.

– Matthew 13:22

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

People who received seeds among the thorns just like those who heard and understood God’s word, but pursue money, status, material enjoyments, and so on. Their hearts are fully occupied by these things, so they forsake the truth, and finally aren’t able to bear any fruit. Just like God’s word says, “Between a peaceful family and a broken one, you chose the former, and without any hesitation; between riches and duty, you again chose the former, even lacking the will to return to shore; between luxury and poverty, you chose the former; between sons, daughters, wives, husbands, and Me, you chose the former; and between notion and truth, you once again chose the former. Faced with all manner of your evil deeds, I have nothing short of lost My faith in you. I am absolutely astounded that your hearts are so resistant to being softened.” God exposes us mankind that between money and duty, luxury and poverty, family and God, we always choose the former ones without hesitation, rather than be mindful of God’s will. Thus, many people forsake the truth because of those things of world and flesh. And then their path of belief in God are simply ended up like this. It really breaks God’s heart! So, we should know that pursuing the truth and the knowledge of God is the most meaningful and valuable life. And the truth is something that we should never forsake!