March 22, 2019—Proverbs 14:26

In the fear of Jehovah is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.
– Proverbs 14:26

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

All Christians know that God is our reliance and our refuge. But it’s not unconditional to receive God’s care and keeping. God created this world, and He can also destroy this world. For example, when God burned Sodom, He saved Lot and his two daughters, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with brimstone and fire. In the time of Noah, God saved Noah’s family of eight, and used a flood to destroy the whole of mankind. We can see that all disasters are controlled and arranged by the hand of God. God uses disasters to destroy all evildoers, and reveals His righteous and unoffendable disposition. So, only by being a person who reveres God can we be saved by Him.

My Prayer…

Oh God, I’m willing to obey You, be a person who fears You and shuns evil, so that my heart won’t leave You and I can magnify You and accept Your observation in all things. Amen.

God’s authority and sovereignty cannot be replaced by any created being. Only God can rule over all things and is the support in my heart. You might be interested in this article: Don’t Panic! We Can Pray to God, to see how she prayed and called out to God when she was either in a interview or a sea storm, then she saw God’s wonderful deeds!